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 Amazingly for the British, who love queues,  there is no formal line-up---the bar staff are  skilled at knowing whose turn it is. You are    permitted to try to attract attention, but there  are rules about how to do this. Do not call out  tap coins on the counter, snap your finger or  wave like a drowning swimmer. Do not scowl or  sigh or roll your eyes. And whatever you do, do   not ring the bell hanging behind the  counter---this is used by the landlord to signal  closing time. The key thing is to catch the bar   workers eyes. You could also hold an empty glass or some money, but do not wave them about.    Do adopt an expectant, hopeful, even slightly   anxious facial expression. If you 1ook too    contented and complacent, the bar staff may   assume you are already being served.
    Always say "please" and try to remember some    of the British bar staffs pet hates. They do not   like people to keep others waiting while they  make up their minds. They dont like people  standing idly against the bar when there are a  lot of customers wanting for service. And they  do not like people who wait until the end of the order before asking for such drinks as Guinness  stout which take considerably longer to pour   than other drinks.
    One Dutch tourist who spent six months   visiting 800 of Britains 61,000 pubs and   interviewing 50 publicans and bar workers and  more than 1,000 customers said :" I cannot  understand how the British ever manage to buy  themselves a drink." But they do, and if you follow these tips you should be able to do so,  too.
    Speaking of tips, you should never offer the bar staff a cash gratuity. The correct behaviour   is to offer them a drink. Pubs pride themselves   on their egalitarian atmosphere. A tip in cash   would be a reminder of their service role,  whereas the offer of a drink is a friendly gesture.

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