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Sichuan_styled Bonsai Making

发布日期:2008-12-04 访问次数:3241

  Sichuan_styled Bonsai one of the four major schools of Chinas traditional bonsai.The bonsai making technique can be divided into stub bonsai making technique,mountain stone bonsai making technique and stone_tree combined bonsai making technique.The most fundamental artistic feature is"imagining the big from the small".
  Sichuan_styled Bonsai once won awards in domestic and international exhibitions.In recent years,the establishment of the Bonsai Artists Association has boost bonsai making technique to more people and a broader market.
  • 13980803583
  • 成都市一环路西二段2号浣花香广场7楼蜀锦蜀绣处


早9:00 - 晚20:00